Social links vs. language barriers: decoding the global spread of streaming content
Seoyoung Park (박서영), Sanghyeok Park (박상혁), Taekho You (유택호), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
Humanit Soc Sci Commun 12, 76 (2025).
Auditing citation polarization during the early COVID-19 pandemic
Taekho You (유택호), June Young Lee (이준영), Jinseo Park (박진서), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
Quantitative Science Studies 5(4), 906–921 (2024).
Comparative Analysis of International Collaboration of Three National-level English Physics Journals
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 74: 728-738 (2024).
Untangling pair synergy in the evolution of collaborative scientific impact
Gangmin Son (손강민), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
EPJ Data Science, 12, 62 (2023).
Quantifying knowledge synchronization with the network-driven approach
Jisung Yoon (윤지성), Jinseo Park (박진서), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
Journal of Informetrics, 17(4), 101455 (2023).
Dataset for the analysis of gendered research productivity affected by early COVID-19 pandemic
Eunrang Kwon (권은낭), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jeong-han Kang (강정한)
Data in Brief, 48, 109200 (2023).
Restricted curvature model on a tetrahedral fractal substrate
Jin Min Kim (김진민), Jae Hwan Lee (이재환), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Wooseop Kwak (곽우섭)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 82(7), 623-6238 (2023).
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on gendered research productivity and its correlates
Eunrang Kwon (권은낭), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jeong-han Kang (강정한)
Journal of Informetrics, 17(1), 101380 (2023).
Analysis of risk propagation using the world trade network
Sungyong Kim (김성용), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 81(7), 697-706 (2022).
Crime and social environments: differences between misdemeanors and felonies
Juyoung Kim (김주영), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 81(2), 179-190 (2022).
Disturbance of questionable publishing to academia
Taekho You (유택호), Jinseo Park (박진서), June Young Lee (이준영), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
Journal of Informetrics, 16(2), 101294 (2022).
Generalization of bibliographic coupling and co-citation using the node split network
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁)
Journal of Informetrics, 16(2), 101291 (2022).
Information Collection of COVID-19 Pandemic Using Wikipedia Template Network
Kim Danu (김단우), Lee Damin (이다민), Jaehyeon Myung (명재현), Changwook Jung (정창욱), Inho Hong (홍인호), Diego Sáez-Trumper, Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Jung Woo-Sung (정우성), Meeyoung Cha (차미영)
Journal of KIISE, 49(5), 347-353 (2021).
Return to basics: Clustering of scientific literature using structural information
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sejung Ahn(안세정), June Young Lee (이준영)
Journal of Informetrics, 14(4), 101099 (2020)
Early onset of structural inequality in the formation of collaborative knowledge in all Wikimedia projects
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sang Hoon Lee (이상훈), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
Nature Human Behaviour 3, 103 (2019) Featured on the journal cover
Build Up of a Subject Classification System from Collective Intelligence
Jisung Yoon (윤지성), Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Woo-Sung Jung (정우성)
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 68, 647~654 (2018)
Intellectual interchanges in the history of the massive online open-editing encyclopedia, Wikipedia
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sang Hoon Lee (이상훈), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
Phys. Rev. E 93, 012307 (2016) Featured in APS Physics Focus
Anatomy of Scientific Evolution
Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Pan-Jun Kim (김판준), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅)
e-print arXiv:1405.0917, PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117388 (2015)